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March 29, 2010

Booklets and flyers and mags, oh my!

Today I started the just slightly less than Herculean task of going through my stash of patterns, magazines, booklets, books, and such and entering them into my library on Ravelry. After a couple of hours of nonstop search/add/sort activity, I currently have a stack of items nearly a foot high that can't be found in their database.

Apparently I'm going to have to contribute information for at least one pattern from each item in order for Ravelry to add the book or whatever into the database, after which I can actually list it in my library.

Okay, so that sounds about as thrilling as watching paint dry. Hmmm...

While the voices in my head are debating whether this is at all worthwhile, I think I'll go work a bit on my current project, a crochet lace tunic I'm making for my niece.

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